Sunday, 29 December 2013


Well, it's been a ride. Family's in and all that, for five days. I've picked up extra shifts and done zero workouts. I'm now in Sudbury, for Invisalign, round number two.

Now that we've gotten that out of the way, can we please talk about the fact that I made pies. Because I'm pretty damn proud of my pies. I made two lemon meringue pies, from scratch, for the very first time in my life, in my wayyy under-stocked grand mother's kitchen, using unfamiliar and old equipement and they turned out pretty rad. Pics or it didn't happen, you say? No problem :)
 This is the dough. I thought I had a picture of it rolled out somewhere but I can't find it anywhere. Which is a shame, because that ball of beige stuff turned out to be a gorgeous, white, thin dough for my pie.
 Here is the first crust, you can see where I messed up and filled it in. I didn't know the sides had to be pinched so it's a little thin on those but I managed to not rip it.
 I ended up not making enough holes in the dough on the side of the plate, so there were air pockets. This is attempt numba one, and the crust is full of air pockets but it was flaky and delicious, so I decided to use it as a shell anyway.
 Here is one pie full (the first one, with the air pockets) of delicious lemon curd (made from scratch, which was a suprisingly entertaining and easy task) and the second attempt. Still some air pockets but I'm starting to get the hang of it.
 Here it is, with meringue. In the confusion of christmas and eighteen eager cooks (I'm barely exaggerating, here) in the the kitchen, it got slightly burnt, but apparently the inside was perfectly gooey and the outside was lightly crisp, so that turned out ok. I'm pretty damn proud of it, and I'm also hoping that it wasn't just beginner's luck. There's only one way to find out (who wants pie? ;) )
I had a bit of dough left over, and a project I saw on Pinterest (praise that site) sprung to mind. I've never done apple pie before and I don't know how to make an apple pie mix so I kind of stuck butter, brown sugar, white sugar and cinnamon in the microwave, took it out and rolled my apple slices in there, lined my apple with crust, put the apples in, and topped it with more dough (as seen above) and ovenned it. It was disgusting. But then again, I don't like apple pie. and I also improvised. So there you have it.

Peace out my friends, as I am about to go see The Hobbit; Part 2, (which I will then write a rant and review about, don't you worry your pretty little minds) and I can't wait.


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