Friday, 17 January 2014


Well hello, fellow new yearers.

My New Year post is way over due, but it is because I was in Sudbury for New Year's and nothing happened.
Literally. I sat in my bed watching Netflix until 12:11, at which point I answered a few texts of Happy New Year and then shut the light, pulled my blankets up to my neck and closed my eyes, quite like any other night.

The New Year, however, oh man. So far, I've started school, which shouldn't come as a big surprise,but this time, I'm feeling pretty confident. There was a whole mix up, involving the fact that my parents wanted me to get into university as fast as possible (I'm actually in prep year right now. So technically, not university, even if I go there and pay for it anyway), but since I couldn't get into McGill (I was missing my physics credit, so I couldn't get in in 2013, and transfers almost never get in unless their grades are amazing, which mine are far from being) or go back to high school to get that credit (there would be no point), or go to LU to start first grade right away (which I thought was a brilliant idea, but my parents weren't enthusiastic) or go to CEGEP (which is two years anyway) I'm pretty much stuck at UofM, which I'm happy about, but my boyfriend isn't.

That's right, I also got myself a boyfriend, which was, I think, a little bit of a shock to my entourage, since they're so used to having me be the independent, Idon'tneedaboyfriend girl in their lives. Anyways, it's long distance, which is nice because I get to focus on my studies, but I am learning it really sucks not being able to see him when I want to. I'm thinking of getting my own personal jet for this situation, actually.

One other major change so far: I've cut my hair. And not in the two-inches-off-and-got-bangs, nono, I'm talking sixteen inches (that's going from my hair squarely touching my butt to it being just passed my shoulders) off, layers in, and died ginger (which is now fading to blonde, thank GOD, as it was supposed to be blonde this whole time).
I'd post pictures, but having me on this blog makes me nervous, so if you know me well enough, go see on facebook.

I've also deactivated (read: gave my friend my password so she could change it and I can't be tempted to go back ever because I have no will power) my facebook until April, which is nice. I liked it the first time I did that, as I think I've mentioned in another post.

Speaking of no will-power, I've also started Breaking Bad, which is a disaster to my social and academic life because I'm totally addicted and it's ruining my life, but I'm almost done so in two seasons I'll be able to resume my normal life. amen. Gonna go watch that right now even though I'm uber tired and have to get up tomorrow, because, really? who needs sleep? not me.

I am the one who knocks,

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