Monday, 28 October 2013

Internet Trolls: A rant

The Internet is a wonderful thing. Honestly. I love it. I spend most of my time on it, actually, probably more than my basic needs - sleeping, eating and reproducing (That was a biology joke. I'm sorry. I'll stop now.) But honestly. Need a tutor? Wolfram. Need an actual tutor? Kijiji. Need a friend? Penpalworld. Need an actual friend? Urm... Facebook. (Maybe I got those two mixed up, seeing as I keep way too many people as friends so I can laugh at their pictures for me to not be a bitch.) Procrastinating? Yeah, we can help you with that. Ranting? Blogspot, twitter, tumblr, facebook statuses... must I go on?

Now that that point's been made, I can go on to speaking about, a wonderful site filled with wonderful and supportive people.
Do you feel like your talent as an artist is underrated? Imgur will love your work.
Are you feeling down, needing to let off some steam because you just discovered you had some terminal disease or you just lost a loved one? Imgur will be there for you.
Do you have a horrible confession, which, if people base their judgement of you purely on that one fact in your private life, will think you are actually a terrible person that does not deserve to have access to oxygen? Imgur will praise you for correctly using the Confession Bear meme.
Do you want to show off your new haircut, nose ring, facial tattoo, cat sleeping on your shoulder, awesome scenery from a place you just visited, or anything that has to do with yourself being in a picture? Aw Hell, naw. Selfies are not allowed on here, my friend. Neither are life hacks.

And it's not just imgur. It's every site. Every site has a community, granted. And in every society, there are rules, granted. But honestly? What if I just want to enjoy my new knowledge regarding the fact that if you make a well in the middle of your food, it will heat up more evenly in the microwave (true story, try it out)? And as someone that is desperately trying to learn to live independently (there's a whole other story attached to that), I enjoy the apartment living hacks. So no. If other people enjoy posting selfies of them doing awesome things, downvote them if you must, but keep your snarky little comments to yourself. Same goes with life hacks. I don't care how much you hate wasting your time on these things, because you don't care how much I love to do so.

There is much too much hate in this world, and 80% of it is found on youtube. 7% is found on the rest of the Internet. The rest is the real world, we're still working on that.

Peace out,

PS: Has anyone really used “peace out” since, like, 2008? 

Happy moment of the day: My phone is kind of old, so the autocorrect does not know the words "twerking" or "instagram". According to my phone, I can "drop out of school and Trek my way to fame, or maybe use Underarm to pretend I'm a famous photographer." Which is an alternative my dignity likes a lot more. 

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