Monday, 7 October 2013


I  do reread my posts once in a while to check on my writing style progress (I'm seeing ups and downs, as opposed to constant improvement, which is slightly worrying, but at least I'm writing), and if future me is reading this right now, here's a message: Yeah, don't procrastinate. And facebook? yeah, not after nine o'clock, young lady. Chrome Nanny to the rescue.

No but seriously. I have been going to bed wayy to late lately and getting up too early. I worked at six thirty this morning, and contrary to Tutti Frutti, I can't just throw my hair in a hat and skip on the makeup. I actually have to take a shower and look mildly good, so I set my alarm for five fifteen. And went to bed at midnight. Of course, anxiety got the best of me and I kept waking up every thirty minute or so to check I had indeed set my alarm. and when it finally DID go off, I didn't feel like getting up anymore. So I chugged my Timmies extra large french vanilla (so much calories, so many yums, wow. (Any Internet person will hopefully get the subtle reference) ), felt faint because it made my body temperature sky rocket, and carried on with my life. After work I was supposed to go home, grab a snack and make my way to school, but karaoke got the best of me and I only got to school at 2:30. I then proceeded to open my math book and try some examples (I have tutoring at 4), but I realized I have 100% forgotten how to do basic math. Well, basic linear algebra, so finding a matrixes inverse and what not.  I have therefore canceled my tutoring session because it would be useless as I'm absorbing zero info, and will carry on, hopefully getting the bulk of my bio done (I'm done listening to my first class, which was a big step. Now to recopy the rest of my notes and understand them. I have three classes left, so nine hours of bio to catch up on, plus I missed the last hour due to my french test) tonight as to be able to finish it tomorrow and get the bulk of chemistry done. Because here's the thing: I have an exam in less than nine days and I've done zero examples. and memorized about the same amount of formulas. and understand about 4% of the matter. soooo. Then, I will move on to math, because I have another exam in T-minus 23 days (didn't I JUST write one of those?), but first, I'll write a "legal" cheat sheet for my methodologie class (that  class is a joke, honestly) because I have an exam in 11 days.

I was planning on going to Sudbury to surprise my friends but for a trip that will let me be in Sudbury for less than 48 hours and probably suck the life and most of my studying time out of my schedule, I'd rather not spend $150. So I'll postpone that to later on. But I was really looking forward to seeing my dog :(

Anyway, I better get to bio if I plan on sleeping tonight. Ciaoo.

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