Saturday, 17 August 2013

I smell new paint

Happy moment of the day: Awake chocolate exists. and also my room has the best internet connection in the house. Booyah.

Also, I'd like to make a comment on my upper neighbour's pet elephant, but I was hammering until 10pm for two days now, so I'll pass.
Anyway, coming to Montreal, my parents had absolutely put their foot down when it came to re-painting my room right away. It was no.
Now, I have two very talented older sisters who used to live here, and the eldest one in particular is very artisitc. Which is why I can't find an explanation as to why the room was burnt yellow with pastel green EVERYTHING. Mirrors, bed sheets, billboard, ect.
Thankfully, the ceiling needed to be repainted and somehow, that led to repainting the whole room. Three days later, my room now has three gorgeous lilac walls, dark purple accessories and one white wall, still to be designed (if anyone has any ideas, feel free to throw them at me. We were thinking purple lace-ish design. thoughts?).

I also got to redesign my apartment, which resulted in a smaller living room, but a bigger living space, which is very exciting.
Because I've pretty much been doing this all week, I've barely stepped out of the house, except to go to Home Depot (where we lost our grand-father, in a short but panicky moment, my sister and I checking every single isle of the painfully large store before finding him exactly where we were not twenty minutes ago), and to take the metro down to UdeM, because they hadn't received my final grades, and had canceled my offer. (Thank you, CND, for that last surprise, it made me feel alive. and crushed. and another myriad of emotions I'd rather not revisit right now. Several swear words were also thrown into the mix, just for good measure).
Anyway, I'm back in now, and I just have to pick my courses and manage to find my classes, because it is a BIG campus. And also, people are really old and intimidating there.

I may add a picture later on today, depending on what my day looks like (For the moment, busy, with very little time to deal with my fussy tablet, which is my only mean of taking and uploading pictures right now, so, we'll see.)

Have a happy happy day (I don't know about Sudbury, but Montreal is looking kinda sunny and it's making me happy),

Edit: Thank you to my tablet for not putting the word "paint" in the title. I did change my shampoo, though, so it wasn't totally wrong.

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