Friday, 23 August 2013

Sad day and life hack

Indeed, quite a sad day, because a) I can't finish my banking info because I can't seem to find the info I need, and b) my lovely fish has died. Six days after I got him. How do I not know how to take care of a fish for a week? reason number two why I should never have kids.

So, I've managed to lose my companion and be totally unproductive, which means I have two reasons to be mad at myself.

So for now, I will go finish my resume and hopefully, if my phone stops being dumb, download an app (My lovely sister has let me know about the existence of Safe Trek, an app that lets you put your finger down (pun totally intended) on the screen in case of danger, and type in a PIN if the danger passes. In case of an emergency, you take your finger off the screen, and if ten second passes without a PIN being typed in, the police locates you and comes to save you. Every one on campus (sexism aside, girls especially) should download this. Not technically a life hack, but pretty useful.)

Have a productive Friday,
~ Vero.

Edit: I've flushed Aka down the toilet and cleaning his tank with just water wasn't getting rid of the pungeant smell, so I tried vinegar. My washroom smells like fish and chips. 

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