Monday, 19 August 2013

Quebec and Aka

These few days have been crazy busy, which is conforting, because my grand-mother's social life is busier than mine is.

I went shopping, which was painful, because a) there are sooooo many people in these stores, and I don't know where anything is. Said people are also blissfully unaware of their surroundings, and if one more person leaves a cart beside them while browsing shelves (and so blocking the whole alley), I will just kind of walk through it, dragging it with me until I turn. (can you imagine their faces, though), and b) because I was brutally reminded by everyone I spoke with that I had an accent when they would start speaking English to me, because apparently that's easier than trying to communicate in french with my Ontarian butt.

My mother was also darling enough to get me a fighter fish (or a betta fish) so that I wouldn't be lonely (I suspect she bought me one in the hopes that I wouldn't follow through with the rat plan) and he is gorgeous. I promised that if she bought him, she could name him, and she called him Aka, which apparently means red in Japanese (according to Google Translate, anyway).

We also went to Quebec to celebrate my first cousin's second birthday, and we were all so glad (and stunned) to hear that he will no longer be an only child. The cake was made on short notice, but looked amazing (picture below), and Hen'i was so happy about "Flsh Mcquin" being edible he could barely keep his panties untwisted.

Also, a little bit of general history: In 1901, the Phoenix Bridge Company starts building this bridge:

In August 1907, the bridge collapses, killing 76 men, including 37 Mohawks. Since then, every year, the Kahnawake village throws a celebration in memory of their men killed on the bridge. Voila, that's your little piece of info for today. (and also, it's a gorgeous view in a  gorgeous town. Honesty. If you ever have the chance to visit it, do!)

As for the happy moment of the day, let's just take a moment to enjoy the fact that we still have two full weeks of summer before school starts. Here's to soaking up as much sun as possible!

'Till next time,

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