Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Life hacks, midnight snacks, and gym trips

Can I just say that Pirouline dipped in Nutella make for a heavenly midnight snack? Actually, so very delicious that it's guilt free, despite your pancreas crying in agony. No seriously, try it.

Speaking of brilliant ideas, my sister Tanja has come up with a pinterest worthy idea: She cooks quinoa, puts it in muffin molds, freezes it, puts the little individual servings into a zip-lock, and then just thaws one serving every time she wants a quick, easy supper. Ge-ni-us.

Which leads me to my next adventure of today; going to the gym where my sister works and graciously invited me. She's a PT there and was kind enough to go through her routine with me, which was awesome, seeing as I hadn't worked out in a bit, and was looking a little bit (a lot) out of shape. Afterwards, she invited me to her apartment, where I absolutely fell in love with Chuck Norris, her cat, and she made me dinner (which I took a picture of, Instagram style, because I knew I would have nothing else to post about today. But honestly, it was pretty amazing. Wait till you see it)

This is chicken salad with bell peppers, mushrooms and tomatoes, along with lime Perrier with mint and berries. Delish.

I will leave you guys with this, because it's getting late, I've been going to bed late for a bit (Quebec took quite a toll, and I'd like to apologize to my neighbours for making the clothes line squeak at quarter to midnight yesternight), and tomorrow I'm going to the Biodome and another exposition who's name totally escapes me right now, but I'm so excited, because it's apparently awesome. Hopefully I'll be able to take pictures.

Until then,


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